1. SHG development program under SGSY scheme in Angarah Block, District Ranchi has been started from 20th Apr 2008. Under this project SID has to develop 100 SHGs of rural BPL people in Angarah Block, Ranchi district. Those SHGs will be linked with bank and do income generation activity for livelihood enhancement later on. SID will also provide them training for their capacity building and skill up gradation.

2. Targeted Intervention among female sex workers (FSWs) in Lohardaga District. According to National Aids Control Organization (NACO) and Jharkhand State Aids Control Society (JSACS) there are almost 700 female sex workers in Lohardaga district and they are considered as one of high risk group for spreading up of Aids and STDs. SID is doing Targeted Intervention among Female sex worker in Lohardaga. Main objective of this TI is to reduce 5% STI prevalence among female sex workers in Lohardaga district with the help of Behavioral change communication and promotion of safe sex and condoms.

3. Enhancing livelihood option for poor tribal families of the Jharkhand state through capacity building in cultivation of lac and its value addition under Jharkhand Lac Development program. This project has been funded by office of Tribal Welfare Commissioner, Ministry of Tribal Welfare. We are promoting 200 tribal families of Bundu block under this scheme.

The key component of this project

a. Sensitization and motivation to poor lac cultivating families to adopt improved package of practices.

b. On going in field support to each family for two consecutive crop cycles.

c. Training and deploying community based production support cadre to provide on field on going support to the participating families.

d. Providing necessary implementing kit.

e. Developing brood lac farm

f. Experimentation and action research anchored by ILRI with field extension support by working NGO.

g. Setting up a limited number of beneficiary co operative owned , small scale mini processing units for processing ‘stic lac’ to ‘seed lac’ at the local level.

4. Promotion of floriculture on pilot basis in Gobindpur block district Dhanbad under SGSY scheme is about to launch. In which cultivation of flower in 4 acre open condition and in 2000 Sq.m in polyhouse condition is proposed. 10 SHGs starting this activity on pilot basis.

5. Livelihood enhancement program for village Kajiburu block bundu district Ranchi which is sponsored by WORLD FOOD PROGRAM ( WFP ) has been just started. SID has already prepared micro plan for the village. List of beneficiaries and key activity has been also decided and approved by WFP which is given below.

a) Lac Cultivation : 50 families will be trained for Lac cultivation at ILRI, Namkum, Ranchi. Seed, equipments and insecticides will also be provided to all 50 families.

b) Goatry : 3 she goat and 1 he goat will be provided to each member of a SHG which consist of 20 members.

c) Poultry : 10 birds will be provided to each members of a SHG consisting 15 members.

d) Construction of a new drinking well

e) On field training for goatry and poultry

6. Right now SID is working upon Total sanitation campaign in Tundi and Govindpur Block which is popularly known as ‘PRAKALP MISSION’ supported by UNISEF, Central Govt. and State Govt. Main responsibility in this mission is to provide low cost rural toilets to each family of Tundi and Govindpur Block of Dhanbad distt., and spread the awareness regarding proper sanitation system. Work is implementing with cluster approach. Right now campaign is running in 5 panchayats of each block.

7. Another project is Livelihood Project under SGSY scheme with DRDA distt. DHANBAD. The scheme aims at establishing a large number of micro enterprise in the rural areas. The list of below poverty line (BPL) households identified through BPL census duly approved by gram sabha will form the basis for identification of families for assistance under SGSY. The objective of SGSY is to bring assisted family above the poverty line (APL) within 3 years by providing them income generating assets through a mix of bank credit and government subsidy. The rural poor such as those with land, landless labour, educated unemployed , rural artisans and disable are covered under the scheme.

According to survey conducted in 2002, out of 4.75 lakhs rural family of Dhanbad distt. 1.35 lakhs family earning less than 24000 Rs. Per year. They are the families who is living below poverty line know as BPL. Almost 27443 BPL family living in Govindpur block. Kanchanpur, Kulbeda and Jainagar, Parasi is one of most backward Panchayat of Govindpur block. The organization will take up all the BPL families of above mentioned 3 panchayats and under the SGSY and within 3 years of time convert them into APL by making SHGs and supporting them in training, credit, technology, infrastructure and marketing. By the end of 3rd year each BPL family will not earn less than 40,000 per year. Organization will monitor them for another 2 year for maintaining the sustainability of their income.

8. SID is working as partner NGO with JHARKHAND TRIBAL DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY (JTDS) a body of Govt, of Jharkhand state welfare department into IFAD and WFP sponsored MICRO WATERSHED program. SID has got responsibility of 2 micro watershed which includes 8 villages of BUNDU BLOCK of Ranchi Distt. This is 3 years project and responsibilities of SID includes

1. Mobilizing community and awareness raising

2. Conducting PRA to systematically document the endowments, constraints, preferred interventions and priorities of the communities.

3. Ensuring participation of the marginalized groups in all programme activities.

4. Raising awareness of the tribal communities to resource management issues.

5. Assisting the GRAM SABHA (GS) in the physical demarcation of the natural villages.

6. Providing all required assistance to the specialized committees at the GRAM SABHA (GS) level for undertaking activities such as micro watershed, community forestry management, fish culture, micro enterprise etc.

7. Conducting TRAINING NEEDS ASSESMENT (TNA), developing curriculum and training material, and delivering technical as well as managerial training programs for the communities including Self Help Groups (SHGs) and women committees.

8. Promoting development of Self Help Groups (SHGs) beginning with formation of SHGs to development of clusters / association.

9. Strengthening SHGs in terms of developing organizational capacity ( meeting, savings, attendance and leadership development), record keeping, financial discipline (repayments, Spread of loan). Appraisal and grading of SHGs for seed capital, up linking to formal financial institutions (bank linkage, SGSY)

10. Establishing village based service providers such as community health volunteer and village livestock health workers.

11. Selecting and training of village level animators.

7. SID has done training program for income generation for poor village women in four blocks of Hazaribagh district, Ramgarh, Patratu, Mandu and Gola with the support of DRDA Hazaribagh.

SID has organized various health camps in rural areas. SID has also conducted awareness and competitive programs in various school on various relevant social topics and to encourage children distributed prizes to the winner of competition. SID is actively engaged in development of crafts and handicrafts. SID also acts as a network for various grass-roots workers and volunteers and Non governmental organization.



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